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Crystals and stones – how do you choose the right crystal for your needs?

Crystals and stones – how do you choose the right crystal for your needs?

Esotericism and esoteric products are becoming increasingly popular in our busy world. No wonder – we are all looking for ways to find inner peace and harmony. One fascinating aspect of this field is crystals and stones, which have enthralled people with their beauty and mysterious properties for centuries. If you want to start your adventure with natural stones, be sure to browse through our shop's range. And in today's blog post you will learn more about Mother Nature's extraordinary treasures.

What are crystals and stones?

Crystals and stones have fascinated mankind since the dawn of time. Their mysterious beauty and unique properties have made them part of many cultures and traditions. The ancient Egyptians used lapis lazuli to adorn royal jewellery and believed in its protective powers. The Aztecs valued obsidian – they used it to make mirrors, weapons and ritual tools. In India, crystals became part of ayurveda, the traditional system of medicine. The Chinese, on the other hand, have been fascinated by the beauty and properties of nephrite for thousands of years, attributing magical and healing abilities to it. To this day, extraordinary nephrite artefacts, dating back to BC, can be admired in Chinese museums. In the Middle Ages, alchemists and healers often turned to crystals in their practices, believing in their ability to store and transmit energy. Even today, many indigenous cultures, such as the Australian Aborigines and Amazonian tribes, still use crystals in their ceremonies and healing rituals.

From a scientific perspective, crystals are fascinating creations of nature. Their unique atomic structure, characterised by a regular, repetitive arrangement of molecules, gives them specific physical and chemical properties. This ordered structure is responsible for their characteristic shape, hardness, and ability to refract and reflect light. Some crystals, for example, exhibit piezoelectric properties – the ability to generate an electrical charge when subjected to mechanical pressure. Other crystals have thermoelectric properties, meaning that they can generate an electrical voltage in response to temperature differences. Still others have the ability to fluoresce – emit light when exposed to UV radiation. The various properties of stones and crystals are frequently used in a variety of industries and high-tech applications. But many people believe that a much more powerful force lies within natural crystals and stones. Although science does not confirm the esoteric properties of crystals, there is no denying that with a little faith one can see extraordinary magic in their unique structure and physical properties. Whether one is interested in the spiritual or scientific aspect, crystals and stones invariably remain a source of fascination and inspiration, combining magic and spirituality with the tangible beauty of nature.

Energetic impact of crystals on our lives

In the world of esotericism and spirituality, crystals are seen as powerful tools that can influence our wellbeing, emotions, spiritual and vital energy. Proponents of this theory believe that each crystal emits a unique energy vibration that can interact with our energy field, or aura. According to this concept, crystals can act as a kind of “battery” or “transmitter” of energy. When we place them in our environment or wear them close to our body (for example, in the form of jewellery with stones), their vibrations can harmonise our own energy field, bringing balance and support to various aspects of life. It is worth noting that although these properties are not scientifically proven, many people actually experience subjective benefits from working with crystals. It is possible that part of this is due to a placebo effect or a focus on positive intentions, which in itself can bring beneficial results.

Working with crystals can bring many benefits to our wellbeing. Here are some of the most commonly mentioned:

  • Stress and tension reduction. The very act of focusing on a beautiful stone can actually work as a form of mindfulness, distracting you from your daily worries.
  • Improving concentration and creativity. Some crystals are often used by people seeking support for mental work. Keeping a stone on your desk or meditating with it before an important task can help to focus and stimulate creative thinking.
  • Strengthening intuition and spiritual awareness. Certain stones are traditionally associated with spiritual development and intuition. Working with them can help to deepen meditation practices and increase self-awareness.
  • Harmonisation of energy in the body and surroundings. In the feng shui, crystals are often used to balance energy in a space. For example, placing appropriate stones in the corners of a room is intended to purify the energy and harmonise the atmosphere.
  • Emotional support. Various crystals are attributed to different emotions. Some are associated with love and compassion, while others are thought to help protect against negative emotions
  • Improving the quality of sleep. Some stones are recommended for people with sleep problems. Placing these stones in the bedroom or under the pillow is said to promote a peaceful and restorative sleep.
  • Increasing energy and vitality. Certain crystals are considered to be energising and can be helpful in overcoming fatigue and apathy.
Crystals and stones

How to choose your crystal treasure? What stone will be suitable for your needs?

The choice of stones and crystals is vast, and each of these natural amulets and talismans is characterised by different magical properties. Deciding which stone is right for your needs can seem like a challenge – especially for those new to the world of esotericism. Fortunately, there are several methods that can help you decide. Here is a comprehensive guide to help you choose the perfect crystal for you.

Intention – the key to understanding your needs

Determining your intention is the first and most important step in choosing a crystal. Think about what you need in your life:

  1. Identify the areas in your life that you want to improve and think about what you need. Are you looking for peace, love or protection? Or perhaps success in your career?
  2. Clarify your goals. The more specific your intention, the easier it will be to select the right stone.
  3. Write down your intentions. The process of writing, of pouring what is in your head onto paper, can help to clarify your thoughts and feelings.
  4. Rethink your choice. A short meditation, a moment of silence and reflection can bring a deeper understanding of your true desires.

The magic of crystals, the magic of colours

Each crystal is characterised by its unique colour, and each colour can tell you a lot about its energetic properties. What powers can crystals have and what areas do they affect depending on their colours?

  • red: energy, passion, vitality, courage (e.g. red jasper, garnet)
  • orange: creativity, joy, self-confidence (e.g. carnelian, amber)
  • yellow: optimism, clarity of mind, self-confidence (e.g. citrine, tiger's eye)
  • green: balance, harmony, healing, happiness (e.g. malachite, aventurine)
  • blue: calmness, communication, intuition (e.g. lapis lazuli, aquamarine)
  • indigo: intuition, wisdom, spiritual understanding (e.g. sodalite, sapphire)
  • violet: spirituality, transformation, meditation (e.g. amethyst, fluorite)
  • pink: love, compassion, emotional healing (e.g. rose quartz, rhodonite)
  • white/transparent: cleansing, strengthening, universal energy (e.g. rock crystal, selenite)
  • black: protection, grounding, absorption of negative energy (e.g. black tourmaline, obsidian)

Stones and astrology – a celestial connection

Astrology can be a helpful guide when choosing a crystal. Each zodiac sign has stones assigned to it that can enhance its positive qualities and balance challenges:

Chakras and crystals – energetic harmony

In the practice of chakra harmonisation, different crystals are assigned to particular energy centres. What matters is not only the colour of a particular crystal, which resonates with the colour of a particular chakra, but also its effect on the action of a chakra. An example of the combination of stones with specific chakras:

  1. Root Chakra – red/black – red jasper, obsidian
  2. Sacral Chakra – orange – carnelian, amber
  3. Solar Plexus Chakra – yellow – citrine, yellow calcite
  4. Heart Chakra – green/pink – green quartz, rose quartz
  5. Throat Chakra – blue – angelite, aquamarine
  6. Third Eye Chakra – indigo – lapis lazuli, sodalite
  7. Crown Chakra – violet/white – amethyst, rock crystal

Intuition – your inner compass

Finally, one of the most important tips when choosing the right stone amulet for you is your own intuition – what you feel. What should you pay attention to?

  • Trust your first impression – it is often the first crystal that catches your eye that will be the right one.
  • Feel the energy – some people can physically feel the vibrations of the crystals. If you have the opportunity to touch and see a crystal before you choose, pay attention to the warmth, tingling or other sensations in your hands.
  • Meditate with a crystal – spend a moment in silence and concentration, holding your chosen stone. Literally just a few seconds of brief meditation with the stones is enough. Pay attention to the thoughts and feelings that fill you.

Choosing a crystal is a personal journey. By combining your knowledge of the stones' properties with your intuition and personal needs, you can find the perfect mineral companion to support you in your daily life and spiritual practice. Remember that there is no “wrong” choice. Each crystal can bring something of value to your life. In our esoteric shop you will find a wide selection of natural stones, as well as advice to help you with your choice – each product is described in detail and assigned to the appropriate category.

Discover the magic of crystals for meditation in the shop

The world of crystals and stones is a fascinating journey into ourselves and nature that can bring many benefits to our daily lives. Whether you are an experienced practitioner of esotericism or just beginning your adventure with crystals, there is something for everyone in this extraordinary field. Take a look at our shop, where a wide selection of the highest quality natural crystals and stones awaits you.

Remember that every step towards harmony and balance is a step in the right direction. Let the crystals become your companions on this path, reminding you of your inner strength and connection to the universe!


Set of 7 chakra stones – pyramids

Set of 7 chakra stones – pyramids

15,74 € incl. VAT/1pc(135,69 € / kg incl. VAT)